Sometimes you find yourself looking for random information about a metal product or perhaps about chromium (maybe) that is good to know but quite obscure. Here's a list of useful resources, and inventions, that we found to be quite interesting.
Tips and Know-How
Multi-Room Stainless Steel For That Look
As a buyer in new or recent construction, many modern homeowners have turned to stainless steel appliances to add finishing touches to their contemporary homes. And for just this reason, many manufacturers seem to offer appliances in JUST stainless steel. It makes sense; it’s easy to clean and looks good after running a damp rag over it, not too expensive, and can be created to suit any need or space.
CommerceMetals to JTCMetals

When in the course of human events a name change is required for whatever reason....
Well anyway, we decided to change the name from Commerce Metals to JTC Metals because it's cooler and shorter. We figured it was more brandable for household products, custom sheet metal protective film, or whatever it was to be used for, and decided to pull the trigger.
Metal Glossary in Plain English

There are many common terms in the steel industry and just like many things it's hard to get a clear definition. We have clarifed common terms for you and if you need any more explained, feel free to reach out. Our experts will be happy to take a look.
Restore Old Furniture with Silver Leaf Sheets
Got an antique piece of furniture that doesn’t quite fit with the spaces you have available? An old handcrafted desk that doesn’t match the carpet, wood chairs that clash with a metallic table, or ugly barstools that don’t match your stainless steel bar? Even a vase that you bought, love, and want to keep, but don’t know how to repurpose it?
Tube vs Pipe - The Differences Explained in Plain English

You have probably heard the terms pipe and tube used interchangeably, and there’s a good chance you aren’t exactly sure what the difference is between them. Most people, even experts working in related industries, don’t actually know. After all how different can hollow cylinders get, and who really cares enough to go and look? Well, I had to know…
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